Sahara TV chooses Leitch NEXIO NewsNet for expansion of digital newsroom

India's Sahara TV has selected additional Leitch equipment for its ongoing digital newsroom expansion, including the new NEXIO NewsNet newsroom solution.

Leitch's NEXIO server system

This latest purchase will enhance the existing Leitch newsroom system at Sahara TV, which was installed during the station's initial digital newsroom launch in early 2003.


he new installation upgrades the existing Leitch server system to the new NEXIO server platform and includes 25 NEXIO servers featuring mirrored storage configuration and 38 NEXIO NewsFlash edit seats.

A core component of NewsNet, the NEXIO NewsFlash provides immediate and simultaneous access to ingested media for collaboration on news stories and fast turnaround for breaking news. The new system also includes Leitch's latest digital infrastructure solutions, including Integrator and Panacea routers; DPS-575 digital processing synchronizer; NEO Simplicity module; LogoMotion II system for branding and logo insertion; multiple SuiteView multisource display processors; and the VelocityQ nonlinear editing system to operate within the SAN storage environment. Leitch's NEXIO Pilot and CCS Navigator software will provide control and monitoring for the entire, integrated system.

Visit Leitch for more information about the Sahara TV installation.

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