Pinnacle Delivers CineWave For Mac OS X

Pinnacle has released CineWave 3 to work with Final Cut Pro 3.0.4 running on Mac OS X Jaguar. It delivers an Aqua user interface, SD, HD and real-time SD editing and 20 new real-time effects through a free Pinnacle software upgrade.

Real-time effects include transitions, keyframeable image control options and a two-way color corrector. CineWave 3 has a CineSuperSync audio capability, created by Pinnacle and Apple that delivers audio/video sync when used with Final Cut 3.0.4. It has 24p SD support with 29.97 FPS external video monitoring and customers can use Pinnacle's 10 bit SDI Pro Digital Plus breakout box with support for up to four channels AES/EBU, dual SDI outputs and monitoring of analog composite video.

Cinewave 3 is Palladium-ready, compatible with Pinnacle's shared media and can swap files with MediaStream servers, which allows broadcasters to edit their on-air content from the playout server.