McDonald’s signs for Broadcast International codec

McDonald’s will use video compression software from Broadcast International in Italy for targeted in-store communications and digital signage.

SkyRec will use Broadcast International’s CodecSys codec to deploy private IPTV networks in McDonald’s restaurants in Italy. The project will be done in collaboration with Samsung Italy, which supplies the in-store monitors.

The new network will deliver proprietary video content including live news, weather and sports, as well as prerecorded commercial content to 335 McDonald’s restaurants throughout Italy. SkyRec expects to deploy its network within 60 days.

Through the SkyRec implementation using an IPTV infrastructure, the CodecSys software can be deployed on virtually any delivery platform, including IP, satellite, cable, or wireless networks.

The CodecSys software resides on a multi-core processor hardware platform that accelerates the codec-switching process, providing nearly unlimited processing power and video compression capabilities. The combination of the CodecSys software with the multi-core processor allows cable, satellite or IPTV providers to deliver live HDTV at compression levels four to six times higher than is currently possible.

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