Fujinon to unveil HD telephoto lens at NAB2008

Fujinon will introduce its new XA88x12.5BES HD super telephoto lens, which features 88X magnification, ranging from a wide focal length of 12.5mm-1100mm at telephoto, making it well suited for productions demanding extreme telephoto shots and high optical quality, at NAB2008.

The XA88x12.5BES is a compact, box-style lens measuring 265mm x 270mm x 593mm. The ability to capture images in low-light conditions is assured with an F number of 2.3 at the widest focal length and 5.3 the telephoto end.

The XA88x12.5BES offers Fujinon’s DIGI POWER digital controls, featuring F number limit, Quick Zoom, two-shot presets, a 2X extender and other precision digital functions increasing production flexibility. The lens also employs optical encoders that increase reliability and provide high positioning accuracy.

For more information, visit www.fuinonbroadcast.com/broadcast.