Pixelmetrix integrates H.264 support in DVStation-IP

Pixelmetrix has integrated H.264 Advanced Video Coding capability in its new DVStation-IP to decode MPEG-4 Part 10 video elementary streams.

These are presented as thumbnails within service view, a key feature of the DVStation-IP.

The DVStation-IP service view consolidates all information and performance parameters of IPTV services into an easy-to-navigate central screen. This enables operators to identify problems quickly, thus minimizing service disruption.

As bandwidth becomes an increasingly important resource in IPTV, operators are gradually adopting the H.264 video standard. The H.264 video thumbnails in the DVStation-IP service view offer feedback on the presence of video content in the IP network. Other attributes to monitor with the DVStation-IP include SD/HD resolution, main, baseline and high profile support, freeze frame and blackout detections.

For more information, visit: www.pixelmetrix.com.