New Matrox VERO Delivers ST 2110 Signal Generation, Diagnostics

(Image credit: Matrox)

MONTREAL—Matrox has announced Matrox VERO, a SMPTE ST 2110 signal generator and diagnostic tool for 2110-networked facilities. 

The new device combines an adjustable signal generator, a PCAP recorder and signal diagnostics integrating EBU LIST into one appliance. VERO validates ST 2110 devices for compliance before they are deployed, the company said. 

"As an early developer and pioneer of ST 2110 network interface controller cards and adapters, Matrox Video has long been equipped with the necessary tools to validate products within ST 2110 infrastructures,” said Alberto Cieri, senior vice president of sales and marketing, Matrox Video. “Our JT-NM [Joint Task Force on Networked Media] participations have also allowed us to understand the technical aspects required by broadcasters and manufacturers to certify devices in-house.”

Matrox VERO ensures that any new device acts as a “good network citizen” and works seamlessly with other ST 2110 devices to maintain broadcast operations when connected to an on-air production environment. When an issue arises, the Matrox VERO can help diagnose the source of the problem, the company said.

Key features include:

  • An adjustable ST 2110 reference sender that allows users to test receiver compliance and resilience in ideal to worst-case scenarios. 
  • PCAP recording, which captures a perfect replica of network traffic, including UHD video flows, in a PCAP file for ST 2110 diagnosis. 
  • EBU LIST integration pre-installed with the European Broadcasting Union Live IP Software Toolkit (EBU LIST) diagnostic tool for user convenience and access. 
  • HD/Full-HD/UHD output channels. Two independent output channels, each capable of generating one video, up to four audio and one ancillary data flow. Each of the two can also be dedicated to independent video resolutions and frame rates—up to UHD at 60 fps, which allows ST 2110 equipment manufacturers to verify multiple resolutions simultaneously, including support of ST 2022-7. 
  • Intuitive web-based interface. Works with any web browser, enabling users to operate diagnostic tools from anywhere on the network using any PC, tablet or mobile device. 

The company has published a video on the Matrox Vero

More information is available on the Matrox website

Phil Kurz

Phil Kurz is a contributing editor to TV Tech. He has written about TV and video technology for more than 30 years and served as editor of three leading industry magazines. He earned a Bachelor of Journalism and a Master’s Degree in Journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism.