Ikegami uses Rockwell's CMOS-based image sensors in HDTV camera

Looking to leverage the cost and performance benefits of its high-quality image acquisition experience, Rockwell Scientific Company LLC, based in Thousand Oaks, Calif. has reached a development deal with Ikegami Electric to have its ProCamHD 3530 HDTV CMOS-based image sensor used in Ikegami’s new HDL-40 digital box-type HD camera. Rockwell Scientific and Ikegami have been collaborating for several months on the project.

The CMOS version of the HDL-40 uses a 2/3-inch 2,100,000 pixel Rockwell ProCamHD CMOS-based sensor and has a 1920H x 1080V effective picture elements.

Rockwell said ProCamHD represents “a low-power, lower-cost alternative” to existing HDTV cameras that use electronic charged coupling device (CCD) sensors.

The CMOS version of the HDL-40 is a one-piece, digital HDTV camera that supports the 1080i (59.94Hz)/1080p (23.98Hz) and 720p (59.94Hz) high definition formats. It uses a 2/3-inch 2,100,000 pixel Rockwell ProCamHD CMOS-based sensor and has a 1920H x 1080V effective picture elements. It also consumes 7W less power than comparable, CCD-equipped models.

Rockwell Scientific’s CMOS Image Sensors (CIS) business unit specializes in the commercialization of its ProCamHD family of high-performance image sensors targeted at entertainment, industrial and consumer applications. ProCamHD is the first in a line of sensors that takes advantage of the company’s history of technology leadership in CMOS imager design and production.

For more information visit www.rockwellscientific.com and www.ikegami.com.

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