CBS Embraces Digital Partnerships

CBS top dog Leslie Moonves took the stage at CES2007 this week to give the keynote address at the 40th annual show in Las Vegas. Moonves, president and CEO of CBS Corp., showcased the network's digital outlook by sharing the spotlight with its partners in the interactive community, including YouTube, Sling Media and Electric Sheep.

In his remarks, Moonves emphasized CBS's multifaceted approach to embracing the digital opportunity. "In some cases, we're developing our ideas entirely in house. And in other cases we're forming partnerships to bring ideas to life," he said.

Moonves said a recent CBS report showed 53 percent of fans watched a TV show online, then turned around and watched the show on the network.

"There's no such thing as old or new media anymore. We're just media," Moonves said. "Whether 'programming' means CSI or C++, we're all playing on the same big digital field."

Moonves shared the stage with Chad Hurley, co-founder and CEO of YouTube. CBS Corp., which launched a brand channel on YouTube last year, is teaming up with YouTube for a contest that gives YouTube users a chance to have their 15-second personal message broadcast during the Superbowl. CBS said it would judge the best clips uploaded to the site and broadcast them during CBS Sports' coverage of Super Bowl XLI on Sunday, Feb. 4.

Linden Lab Founder and CEO Philip Rosedale talked about the online virtual world Second Life, where users can create and shape their content experience each time they enter the space. CBS is partnering with Electric Sheep to build a Star Trek environment within Second Life.

CBS is also partnering with Slingbox creator Sling Media to test a new technology, Clip+Sling, designed to let audiences share short segments of programming.

Moonves said there would be more news on how CBS will be working with the interactive community in the upcoming weeks.