Harris to Demo Multiple Device Content Delivery

The Harris Corp.will showcase its H-Class scalable platform that moves content from creation to multiple consumer devices at IBC 2005 in Amsterdam.

Harris will show mobile video, IPTV, HDTV and VOD over the H-Class system, which manages and moves content from ingest to consumption via multiple, simultaneous multiformat delivery streams to a variety of devices, including PDAs, cell phones and PCs. The H demonstration will illustrate multiple and distinct stages in the broadcast workflow, including ingest, play-out automation and transport. The new H-Class media business system will be shown sharing traffic, billing, and program scheduling rules as content is moved through the supply chain.

The initially targeted H-Class Suite includes the media business systems, digital asset management, ingest, play-out automation and intelligent transport. An affiliated H-Class alliance program makes it possible for service, software, content and hardware providers to integrate their products to the platform.