Harris Expands MXF Support
The Harris Corp. has announced plans to increase Material Exchange Format (MXF) support in its Broadcast Communications Division products.
Harris has purchased a group license for the MXFComponentSuite from MOG Solutions, a major player in MXF interchange. This will allow Harris to provide enhanced MXF support in many of its products.
The first products to incorporate the technology are the Harris Nexio video file servers.
"This MXF interchange toolkit will provide our Nexio customers with a 'media wrapper' that improves workflow by enabling our servers to better interface with third-party equipment," said Tim Thorsteinson, president of the Harris Broadcast Communications Division.
The MXFComponentSuite is designed to enable high performance transfers of content and metadata across a file-based system and to provide users with a reliable and simple means of handling both SD and HD MXF files.
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