EVS shows new media archive management and delivery system

At IBC2010, EVS will showcase its Media Archive Director (MAD), a system that provides instant access to archived media via intelligent and instant Web client media browsing tools.

Based on advanced metadata and logging functions and fast delivery of content in any format and through several platforms, MAD was designed to maximize the archive management process. It allows rapid access for users, who can instantly and simultaneously deliver content on multiple platforms with a central management interface.

Delivery is handled automatically by the central tool, which manages automated rewrapping and controls all the necessary robots to optimize management and provides a cost-effective content solution. Users can ingest clips or media from any source to any networked point and directly archive new content with totally centralized management.

The concept of Media Archive Director is to offer a set of software tools to manage all platforms of the workflows centrally, including their formats. Its key features include intuitive control of robots, automated access to any content, fast and reliable content delivery, optimized management of archived content, cost-effective content solution, end-to-end and multiclient management and remote access for browsing and control.