Telestream Ships Episode 6.5 Multiformat Encoding Software

NEVADA CITY, CALIF. – This is no re-run from Telestream, as the digital video tools and workflow provider has released the latest Episode. Version 6.5 of the multiformat encoding software, the Episode 6.5 offers support for the latest formats, closed-captions, multi-bitrate encoding and multi-track audio.

Designed to provide transcoding for individuals and workgroups, Episode’s transcoding engine maintains high-quality files from the camera all the way through final delivery. It also comes with built-in collaboration and clustering to join MAC and PCs together for transcoding scalability.

Episode 6.5 is available in three v

ersions, Episode, Episode Pro and Episode Engine; all are supported by Mac and PC. Each version can process multiple jobs in parallel, with Episode Pro able to run two concurrent jobs and Episode Engine supporting an unlimited number of jobs across multiple machines. Episode Engine also comes with Split-and-Stitch technology for distributed and segmented encoding.

Telestream’s Episode 6.5 is now available for shipping.