JVC, Boeing enhance training simulation in CRVS

At the 2012 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) in Orlando, Boeing demonstrated a new technology with its Constant Resolution Visual System (CRVS) that allows the system to deliver almost 4X the resolution of high definition.

JVC’s new e-Shift 8K projection technology brings CRVS’ visual acuity closer to 20/20 while keeping the system’s projector small and affordable. It nearly doubles a projector’s resolution horizontally and vertically, approaching 8K performance from a 4K device.

CRVS provides constant target visibility throughout the entire field of vision by surrounding the pilot and cockpit in an eggshell-like environment that visually transforms into cities, landscapes and complex combat scenarios. JVC e-Shift 8K projectors further enhance the training experience and enable pilots to identify targets at real-world ranges.