Optibase Unit Releases Media 100 HD 10.1

A new version of a software codec will be showcased at the Media 100 booth this year.

The Mac-based Media 100 HD 10.1 is designed for projects that use HD, SD or need real-time mixing of different time codes in the same timeline.

"We live in a hybrid world. Media 100 HD is designed to fill the gap as editors go back and forth between HD and HD and need to have total control over both," said Steve Bayes, director of product marketing, Media 100/Optibase.

The software codec works with Adobe After Effects and other third-party packages to render out QuickTime movies to edit in a Media 100 HD project. The code also supports QuickTime V Out Support for viewing movies on NTSC, PAL or HD monitors while working inside After Affects or similar tools.

Optibase will be in Booth SL343.