KCXP-LP relies on Chyron MicroX, DynaCrawl

KCXP-LP TV-19 in Aspen, CO, has installed a Chyron MicroX graphics system and DynaCrawl data display system to sit at the heart of its graphics suite.

The DynaCrawl data display system is the last piece of equipment in KCXP-LP TV-19's loop before the signal hits the RF modulator at the Comcast headend. The crawl, which is on almost all of the time, with time, temperature and an animated station ID bug, is updated and controlled remotely from the KCXP studios and offices in downtown Aspen.

The MicroX graphics system, which forms part of the station's live production system, was purchased following the success with DynaCrawl. Waymo Engineering in Aspen did the installation.

For more information, visit www.chyron.com.