Focus Enhancements Adds QuickTime HD Support

Focus Enhancements is adding native QuickTime HDV support to its Direct To Edit (DTE) technology. This addition allows video clips recorded in QuickTime HDV format using the Focus Enhancements FireStore FS-4Pro HD and DR-HD100 devices to be immediately available without conversion for Final Cut Pro 5 editing. According to Focus Enhancements, the file format is due to be released in April with new FireStore or DR recorders and as a $39 upgrade for current recorder owners.

"Final Cut Pro editors have always comprised a large portion of our FireStore DV and HD user base. Our DTE technology was the first to bring QuickTime DV25 file format support to portable direct to disk recorders and we are now pleased to offer the first portable recorder that supports native QuickTime HDV," said Matt McEwen, Focus Enhancements senior product manager.