ContentAgent checks quality with Cerify

Root6 showed the latest version of ContentAgent at IBC2009. Using an optional plug-in, the encoder can be fully integrated with Tektronix’s Cerify, the automated system for verifying/checking file-based content prior to transmission or digital delivery. Using ContentAgent’s workflow designer, multiple watch folders may easily be created for files requiring validation.

The new ContentCentral and JobAgents solutions provide scalable content repurposing. At IBC2009, root6 and Isilon demonstrated a powerful, scalable solution for larger-scale, intensive transcode environments based on ContentAgent. ContentCentral is a job distribution server with cluster management to intelligently run and distribute rendering across JobAgents — affordable render accelerators running on Isilon clustered storage. The combination of ContentCentral and JobAgents will enable users with multiple systems to input new transcoding workflows that will then be automatically allocated to individual JobAgents processors across the clustered units.