Avid Upgrades Deko Family of On-Air Graphics Solutions

Avid Technology Inc. has released Avid Deko 5.0, PostDeko 8.0.1 and DekoCast 4.1.2, an upgraded suite of real-time on-air graphics systems. Its new features include easy-to-use 3D capabilities and organic Deko Motions that don’t require intense scripting.

Avid Deko 5.0 software offers 3D Motion features that allow customers to build, edit and play real-time animations. Also, customers can now openly share files with users working on a range of third-party editing systems. New features include PowerClips, Motion-in-Motion, Z-Depth Animation, Deko 3D in HD, Auto-Motion, Texture Shadows and ClipDeko Updates.

“Deko 5.0 is saving us a lot of time in the graphics creation process and helping us get programs to air more quickly because it does not require an additional team of trained experts to operate,” said Ian Kennedy, chief technology officer at Fontastics, a Los Angeles-based production house that specializes in broadcast graphics and opens for high-profile live events.

PostDeko 8.0.1, an offline graphics production software product, includes Motion Design and Make DekoMovie as standard features. DekoCast 4.1.2 software now delivers an extended set of software plug-ins for enhanced scene control, playback and customization as well as scripting and API capabilities.

Avid Deko 5.0, Avid PostDeko 8.0.1 and Avid DekoCast 4.1.2 are available for download online.