For Immediate Release


Next Generation, Personalized, On Demand News-site Software Introduced by the Pioneers of File-based News Production Technology

Boston, MA – September, 8 2010 – MyNewsVu™ announces an Industry-changing technology for television news delivery and consumption. The new technology opens extraordinary new revenue opportunities for television news organizations by bringing TV news into the age of the Internet and mobile media. MyNewsVu is “back-end” software that enables TV news web sites to deliver a personalized TV newscast to each and every viewer. Web sites powered by MyNewsVu can deliver individually personalized TV newscasts to Internet enabled TV’s, mobile devices and PCs. MyNewsVU also provides “better than ratings”, information to the news organization and to advertisers by delivering immediate, granular feedback on viewing patterns, demographics and more! "MyNewsVU reinvents the television newscast for the Connected Age. Our goal is to partner with a Network News Organization to complete development of MyNewsVU within the networks existing web structure," said Skip Boucher, Founder, MyNewsVu.

MyNewsVu turns the appointment-based, fixed menu experience of broadcast and cable news into an on-demand, custom buffet. It puts viewers in control of their own TV newscast on any PC, mobile device, or Internet enabled TV - Anytime! Anywhere!

It will also deliver to news producers an active stream of key viewer data, a data stream far superior, more granular and more immediate, than any television ratings service. For advertisers, MyNewsVu provides targeted audience viewing data that allows pin-point message personalization.

About MyNewsVu

MyNewsVu is developed by the same team of broadcast professionals that introduced file-based, news production at Avid and Grass Valley that completely changed the way TV News is produced throughout the world. This team has come together again to change the way TV News is delivered and consumed over the Internet, on mobile devices, and on TV sets. MyNewsVU is privately funded and based in Boston, Massachusetts.

Where to See It

For more information, view the MyNewsVu presentation and demonstration at


Roland Bouchar at