Volicon to showcase Observer TS at HD World

Volicon will feature its new Observer TS (transport stream) logging system during HD World at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City, Oct. 12-13.

The Observer TS logging system gives broadcasters, networks and cable operators the ability to handle MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 transport streams natively and efficiently over the WAN with a low-res proxy, retaining the content and associated metadata within the stream.

Complementing the existing Observer Enterprise analog, SD-SDI and HD-SDI systems, the new interface simplifies signal flow and allows for greater signal density and flexibility.

Observer TS enables full-quality content logging and opens the door to new use cases, such as rebroadcasting high-resolution data, for logged content. Using Observer TS for compliance logging and air checks, operators can extract MPEG metadata and troubleshoot the MPEG transport stream live or from the Observer log.