Studios adds two Grass Valley Kayak switchers

Copenhagen, Denmark, facility house Studios A/S has upgraded the control rooms of its two main production studios with two new Grass Valley Kayak video production switchers — one HD and one SD.

The installation of the Kayak SD was completed in the fall of 2009 to meet a tight deadline for a new game show that is now on the air. Once production of the show was successfully completed, Studios management ordered an HD Kayak switcher to support the upgrade of its largest studio to full digital operations.

Well suited for live production, the Grass Valley Kayak production switcher product line includes an M/E architecture with four keyers per bank and eight channels of built-in digital effects. It also provides power for compositing keys, such as logos and graphics. In addition, each keyer in the M/E can optionally perform chroma keying using the Grass Valley Chromatte chroma keyer.