Starz to Host HDTV Boot Camp

Starz Encore Group is hosting an HDTV technical seminar in Englewood, Col. On Nov. 9 in conjunction with SBE and SMPTE.

Industry experts from Leitch, Panasonic, Sony and Pinnacle, among others will present papers at the all-day boot camp. Some of the topics include "Evolution of Broadcast Stations," "Changing Workflow Production in Post and News," Display Technology and Plasma/CRT Primer" and "The HDTV Transition--Consumer Prospectives."

Rome Chelsi, SMPTE Section Chairman and Jim Schoedler, SBE Section Chairman will start off the seminar with opening remarks at 9:00 a.m.

The event is open to the public and will be held at Starz Encore Group's Englewood facility on 8900 Liberty Circle. The event--including lunch--costs $40 for the general public and $25 for SBE/SMPTE members.

For more information go to http://www.smpte-sbe48-org/