Advertising Agency Association Samples Mobile DTV

The American Association of Advertising Agencies (4As) is meeting this week in Austin, Texas, and attendees are poised for their first exposure to the potential of Mobile DTV. Austin’s KVUE television has already deployed the new service and is demonstrating its potential as a local news resource to the conference attendees.

“Television can be much more than the traditional experience of engaging with your ‘big screen’ in the living room,” said Patti C. Smith, KVUE’s president and general manager. “To that end, we’re very excited about the potential that Mobile DTV broadcasts will bring to our viewers. We know that our viewers will appreciate the convenience that Mobile DTV offers, meeting their needs for immediacy and transportability. Consequently, advertisers will also be interested in the potential for reaching far more viewers now that digital TV will be available anywhere a consumer travels in the viewing area.”

“Transformation 2011” is the theme of this year’s 4As conference, which runs from March 7 through March 9. The annual event attracts hundreds of movers and shakers in the world of advertising, and the Open Mobile Video Coalition (OMVC) has made it a point this year to emphasize Mobile DTV’s potential to conference attendees.

“We’re very excited to be working with the TVB, the not-for-profit trade association of America’s commercial broadcast television industry, to reach out to America’s advertising community this week during the 4A’s conference in Austin,” said Anne Schelle, executive director of the OMVC. Advertisers will want to find out more about the new services and new devices that are just now reaching retail stores.”

According to the OMVC, some 900 television stations across the country have deployed Mobile DTV.