XOrbit to show RTX Live v2.0 live captioning in New York

At HD World Expo, Oct. 15-16, in New York City, XOrbit will feature the latest version of its live captioning system.

RTX Live v2.0 provides a live video and audio confidence signal directly to stenographers anywhere in the world, resulting in more accurate caption placement. Stenographers securely transmit steno data over the same Internet connection, ensuring full on-air captioning data and encoder management.

RTX also provides simultaneous caption data to SD, HD, Web and other VBI encoders while eliminating phone lines and modem complications. The system enhances security through encrypted transmission and authentication protocols.

Multilingual captioning data channels can be incorporated into the video signal to allow for simultaneous CC1 and CC3 playout, and the system provides variable timing delay control of captioning data at the broadcast center.

For more information, visit www.xorbit.com.