EVS integrates IPDirector with Avid iNEWS

EVS integrated its IPDirector content production management system with Avid’s iNEWS newsroom computer system.

Full communication between the systems is made possible through MOS protocol support and a new ActiveX browser for iNEWS clients.

Any running order managed from the iNEWS client interface is kept up to date on the IPDirector control panel, ensuring full control over the rundown of playlists in IPDirector. With the new EVS ActiveX plug-in database browser, which is integrated with the iNEWS client, Avid operators can access any EVS clip and associated metadata referenced in the IPDirector database.

INEWS rundowns create and update IPDirector playlists in real time with associated metadata using MOS protocol. Clips in the iNEWS rundown, which are not already available in high resolution on the EVS server, are referenced as a virtual element in the EVS ActiveX interface.