Encoda Offers New Enhancements to DAL Automation System

Encoda Systems Inc. has released new product enhancements to its DAL Channel Manager D-Series automation system. The new additions expand support for multichannel operations, provide more operational ease and flexibility, signal monitoring functions, additional storage management tools and advanced features for security and redundancy.

The D-Series systems offer combined support for large multichannel operators requiring coordinated origination and control at central and remote sites. One new feature is the Verifier network monitoring system, which can monitor analog or serial digital signals and can be combined with set-top boxes to monitor encoded digital signals as they will appear to the viewer. It measures eight characteristics of the signal, including image presence, image motion and presence of carrier. The hardware can monitor five signal points for 1,000 channels simultaneously.

Other new features include:
* An advanced GUI;
* Shared storage systems;
* Hardware shuttle/jog controls;
* A media prep manager;
* Support for MassStore Archive Manager.