AKG delivers new iPhone app for RF system mobile monitoring

Users of AKG wireless systems now have the ability to browse, monitor and control their RF mic and IEM systems via the Apple iPhone. With the introduction of its new, free iPhone application, AKG has effectively streamlined the workflow for wireless by linking Harman’s HiQnet protocol to the iPhone and iPod touch via WiFi network.

The new application, called AKG Wireless, can be used to monitor wireless system parameters and radio frequency connections for some AKG wireless microphone systems, including the DMS 700, the WMS 4000/4500 and the IVM 4 in-ear monitoring system. The user can easily browse through the entire wireless system within the device list, monitor each device and its parameters separately within the stripe view, or use the RF monitor to check the radio frequency connection of each wireless device.

The iPhone application is connected via WiFi to a wireless router, which is connected to the AKG HUB 4000 Q. The application can be used alongside Harman Pro System Architect, because the entire system is based on Harman’s advanced HiQnet protocol.