Vista Spyder Offers Power and Flexibility at New AVEVA Business Performance Center

PHOENIX, AZ - (September 27, 2010) - When AVEVA, a leading engineering software provider for the plant, power and marine industries, built a state-of-the-art visualization center at its Houston, TX headquarters the company selected the Vista Spyder 344 video processor to meet the needs of the multi-purpose facility. The AVEVA Business Performance Center is equipped to demonstrate global design, engineering, construction and operation solutions for its customers by simulating its software solutions in a dynamic environment.

"We needed a very large image space with the highest resolution possible and the ability to manipulate and move images around within the screens," says Jennifer Lozier, head of marketing for AVEVA Americas. "We were looking for the best technology we could find and out of all the technology we looked at, the Spyder offered us the most power and flexibility."

The Spyder blends images from three DLP(r) projectors across three screens measuring 20ft x 5ft with an overall pixel space of 3840 x 1200. Mike Mecum, director of systems integration at LD Systems calls the Spyder, "the most important component in an integrated system."

In specifying the Spyder, Mecum considered that the Center would be used in numerous ways. When used for pre-programmed presentations, the Center needed simple control from a single-point interface with a touch panel. But sometimes users employ the Spyder in a live mode to dynamically access and manipulate content during a presentation. "The system has enough ease, power and flexibility to be the perfect solution to both situations. It's truly a great tool for live production and permanent installations," Mecum says.

Mecum built a pilot station with six flat panels where users can control all the displays and route images to various outputs. "One of the challenges was using more sources than were available, so we have a DVI matrix switcher routing 12 different sources to the Spyder's 4 inputs," he explains. "We'll eventually have Ethernet control from the Spyder to all 12 sources."

Mecum reports that the Spyder is, "working great and is perfect for what AVEVA needs to do. It has the power and flexibility to do almost anything. The Spyder does a great job of processing imagery; its transitions are smooth and the images are stable."

About Vista Systems

Vista Systems was acquired by Christie, a global leader in visual solutions for business, entertainment and industry, to create a comprehensive source for image processing and projection solutions. The acquisition combines the power and flexibility of Vista's video switchers and real-time windowing and composition products with the power, performance and reliability of award-winning Christie projection systems. Vista Systems' switchers have become the industry standard for live multiple-destination video and data mixed signal switching. For more information on Vista Systems, visit their website at