CBN Installs Second Calrec Artemis Console for International Programming and Special Projects

HEBDEN BRIDGE, U.K. -- Oct. 11, 2011 -- Calrec Audio today announced that Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), one of the oldest cable broadcasters in the United States, is in the final stages of installing another 48-fader Calrec Artemis Beam audio mixing console with Bluefin(TM)2 high-density signal processing (HDSP) in its Virginia Beach studios. This is the second Artemis console this year for CBN, whose flagship domestic show, "The 700 Club," has approximately one million daily viewers. In a typical week, the new Artemis will handle six live international programs, as well as green-screen shoots and special projects.

Once the new Artemis console is fully operational, it will be linked to CBN's existing Artemis console in another studio via Calrec's Hydra2 audio routing system. Having a second Artemis console gives CBN the ability to share any resource across its network. I/O that is attached to either system will be available to either system, and the plug-and-play nature of the I/O makes it easy to add I/O boxes as needed when doing remote broadcasts. Also, because the masters, groups, auxiliary, and multitracks are always available whether the operator chooses to use them or not, bringing an extra group online is straightforward and can be done instantly without reconfiguring any other part of the system.

"Being able to fully share resources will save us money because we won't have to rent extra consoles or I/O to make a large show fit within the console. And we've already had lower maintenance costs than we did with our non-Calrec consoles," said Philip Peters, director of audio services for CBN. "From an operating standpoint, Calrec is so easy to learn and use that we can ramp up for shows much more quickly, and it takes much less time to configure the console for a given show."

Peters said Artemis also enables flexibility on track sends on a single channel (i.e. "split send"), which was a much-needed feature at CBN.

Artemis consoles rely on Bluefin2, the next generation of Calrec's trademark HDSP, to provide substantial resources. Bluefin2 gives the Artemis Beam 340 channel processing paths, with up to 128 program busses, 64 IFB/track outputs, and 32 auxiliaries. Artemis also features a second compressor/limiter in each channel, more than 70 minutes of assignable delay, and three independent APFL systems for multiple operator use. Artemis' integrated router means all I/O functions can be performed by Hydra2, using high-capacity 8192² crosspoint routers and a variety of I/O units. Like all Calrec consoles, the Artemis is designed so that facilities do not share resources, making each one continuously available to the operator.

"The control room where this Artemis is headed is in many ways our 'pickup' control room, where the nature of shows changes constantly," Peters said. "The amount of power available in such a small form is astounding. Between that, the 12 fader layers, and full recall, we are well-covered for any show that will come our way."

CBN's newest Artemis console is in the final stages of setup and will be online by the end of October 2011.

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About CBN Fifty years ago, one could have reasonably suggested that Pat Robertson was stretching his imagination when he named his broadcasting organization -- located in a defunct Portsmouth, Virginia, TV station -- The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). Not only was CBN the first Christian television station in Virginia, it was also the first in the nation. Almost 50 years later, no one can dispute that CBN is one of the largest television ministries in the world. Moreover, with its many subsidiary and affiliate organizations, CBN goes beyond the bounds of broadcasting in its mission to reach the world with a message of hope from the Bible.

About Calrec Audio Calrec Audio, part of D&M Holdings Inc., is exclusively dedicated to excellence in audio mixing for on-air and live production. A broadcast specialist for more than 35 years, Calrec has developed a range of digital and analog consoles relied on by the world's most successful broadcasters. For putting sound in the picture, broadcasters put their trust in Calrec. More information can be found at