Hitachi to Maintain Comark

SOUTHWICK, MASS.—Hitachi Kokusai has decided to reorganize Comark into a consolidated subsidiary of Hitachi Kokusai Electric America, Ltd. In addition, the corporate name of Comark will be changed to Hitachi Kokusai Electric Comark LLC and the sales and maintenance businesses of broadcasting transmitters and codecs that are handled by the Midwest office of Hitachi Kokusai America in Elgin, Ill., will be integrated into Hitachi Kokusai Comark.

“The acquisition of Comark moves our company into a position of financial stability and augments our engineering and development commitment to the industry,” said Richard E. Fiore, Jr. President and CEO of Comark. “We have fostered a great relationship with Hitachi Kokusai and the new products we will be showing at NAB will prove that we are well on the right track to meet our customer’s needs now and into the future. Products such as the Parallax; our latest high power liquid cooled solid state system, and the new E-Compact air cooled Doherty transmitter line will fill out our product portfolio for complete offerings across all power levels.”