Winsted Announces Enhanced Layout Tool

Winsted announced the release of the latest version of its WELS (Winsted Equipment Layout) software tool for broadcast facility planning. WELS v3.7.1 incorporates Winsted’s new product lines, monitor mounts and work surfaces, and allows users to create full 3D representations of broadcast equipment and operator area layouts.

The software is available free of charge at the company’s Website, It runs as a free-standing utility, with no requirement to link to other CAD programs. WELS provides full 3D layouts, as well as parts lists, design specification information and more. The program is able to export .dwg files for AutoCAD 2D and 3D applications.

“When I know what equipment will go into a system, I can design a console in 10 or 15 minutes using WELS,” said Brian Veazey, a project engineer at HMA Consulting, and longtime WELS user. “It’s nice to have the ability to quickly create drawings and export them to AutoCAD where we primarily create our room layouts.”