Orad and Pebble Beach team for channel branding and automation

Orad and Pebble Beach announced an integrated solution combining Orad's template-based channel branding technology and Pebble Beach’s automation system.

The template-driven, 3-D HD channel branding system lets users make quick, on the fly changes to rundown schedules and preview them before going to air directly from within the automation system itself.

The integrated solution sends metadata to the Orad Graphics Engine and enables broadcasters to control and trigger advanced 3-D graphics to air via Pebble Beach’s automation system. As part of the integrated system, an Orad Active X module is embedded into the Pebble Beach automation system. The Active X gives the traffic and automation operator direct access to Orad’s database from within the automation system, in order to populate it with information, preview it fully animated, and save it to the automation rundown as a secondary event. Once loaded to the Pebble Beach rundown, the Orad rundown is updated automatically as well, and when the trigger command from automation is relayed, the relevant graphic item is sent to air.

Television channels often require dozens of different graphics pages or templates, each of which may require data to be sent from the automation system. This necessitates greater integration with the graphics device than conventional interfaces can provide.

For more information, visit www.orad.tv and www.pebble.tv.