NBC employs Miranda signal processing, monitoring gear for Beijing Olympic Games

NBC is using Miranda Technologies signal processing and monitoring equipment for its coverage of the 2008 Olympic Games from Beijing.

NBC's signal processing infrastructure at the Beijing Olympics will use more than 200 Densité frames to provide the full breadth of interfacing functions. More than 80 of the new XVP-1801/DAP-1781 signal processing card combinations will be used to deliver up/down/crossconversion and Dolby decoding/encoding.

Primary monitoring and control will be performed using four Kaleido-X multi-image display systems. To streamline signal quality control, Kaleido-X processors will integrate tightly with an iControl QC monitoring system. When an operator selects a video signal on the monitoring wall, it will be automatically routed to a waveform monitor embedded in the monitoring display for detailed analysis. The monitor wall also will automatically present the proc-amp control panel for the selected signal to enable rapid adjustment if required.

For more information, visit www.miranda.com.