CEA Seeks Technical Standards

ARLINGTON, VA. — The Consumer Electronics Association announced a new program to develop innovative industry standards at the Consumer Electronics Show, now officially dubbed “International CES.” CEA, with accreditation from the American National Standards Institute, launched “CESpec” within its standards program.

CESpecs are a new feature of CEA technical standards that will be on display at the International CES. These new standards projects will be launched at the International CES in January with a goal of being completed in time to be featured at the following International CES.

The first CESpec project will be launched at the 2014 International CES in Las Vegas, Jan. 7-10, 2014, and the new standard should be available in time for 2015 International CES. Anyone can propose a new CESpec. The project description should be as detailed as possible, and it should describe the problem that your proposed standard is intended to solve. CEA invites all interested parties to submit proposals by Sept. 30, 2013 by going to CE.org/Standards/CESpec.aspx.

“Featuring some CEA standards projects as CESpecs will shine a spotlight on the collaboration and innovation that takes place in the consumer electronics industry every day,” said Brian Markwalter, senior vice president, research and standards, CEA. “Voluntary industry standards developed in an open and fair way will help grow the CE industry and provide consumers with high quality, innovative products.”

Proposals must be supported by at least six people, none of whom may be from the same company, and all of whom must be willing to actively participate in moving the draft standard through the CEA standards approval process.

CEA’s standards program includes more than 1,200 members across 50 different groups.