Multidyne to exhibit fiber-optic transport system for signage and digital cinema

Multidyne’s RGB-5000 supports RGB HV, RGsB, VGA, SVGA and UXGA, component and analog HDTV signals.

The Multidyne RGB-5000, to be shown at NAB2005 in Las Vegas, provides a long-haul transport solution for high-resolution RGB or VGA video sources via a single fiber.

It provides a total analog bandwidth of up to 500MHz supporting loop-through HD15 XVGA inputs. Resolutions of up to 1600x1200 pixels are supported over one optical fiber. It also supports RGB HV, RGsB, VGA, SVGA and UXGA, component and analog HDTV signals.

Multidyne also will exhibit its DVI-3000 DVI fiber optic transport link. It provides a transport solution for high-resolution, 1600x1200, DVI digital video sources via four fibers. The maximum transmission distance is 700m. The system has a data throughput of 1.6Gb/s with no compression.

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