Chrosziel unveils two new MatteBox products

Chrosziel introduced the MatteBox Series 450 RS Super Wide and the MatteBox 456 Academy at IBC2009.

The MB 450 R2 Super Wide is equipped with two rotating filter stages for 4in by 5.65in filters, SunShade function with 130mm clamping, and a connector for 15mm support systems. The Super Wide works without restriction from 3.3mm focal length. In its lightweight SunShade version, it can be used up to 16mm wide-angle on cameras with the 35mm Academy format.

The MatteBox 456 Academy relies on new housing dimensions and the possibility to use three rotating 5in by 5in filter stages to allow the unrestricted use of Cine and DigiCine lenses from 14mm wide-angle and beyond. The filter stages are designed not to rotate each time the respective rear stage is rotated.