Florical brings InventoryBrowser to NAB 2009

I met with Shawn Maynard, vice president and general manager of Florical, to see a demonstration of the company's InventoryBrowser.

InventoryBrowser is an optional module within Florical's S.M.A.R.T. Central product that allows the user to browse the database and view low-resolution copies of their inventory (i.e. on-air content).

With the power of smart client technology the user can log in from any networked machine, whether from a sales laptop in the field or traffic desktop, and view content that has been dubbed into the on-air servers. The tool is perfect for traffic or sales during election season or answering questions from clients from the convenience of their desktop.

Watch a video demonstration of S.M.A.R.T. technology, and a video demo of InventoryBrowser.