Band Pro Hosts One World on HD ‘07

December 13, 2007 is the date for Band Pro‘s Annual “One World on HD ‘07” Open House dedicated to showcasing the newest in HD technology. Band Pro is inviting leading artists, technicians and innovators to share ideas and check out the latest in High Definition technology in a casual atmosphere.

The event will feature new developments from top innovators including Carl Zeiss, Sony Electronics, 16x9 Inc, AJA Video Systems, Anton/Bauer, Astro, Autoscript, Bogen Imaging, Canon, Cartoni, Codex Digital, Cmotion, eCinema Systems, Evertz, Fujinon, For-A Corp., Formatt Filters, Gitzo, Iconix, IDX, Innovision Optics, JVC, K-Tek, Leader, Lectrosonics, Litepanels, Lowel, Manfrotto, Marshall Electronics, OConnor, Oppenheimer, PAG, Pelican, Petrol, Reflect Media, Sachtler, Sony Electronics, Ste-Man, Tiffen, Vinten and more. Also look for these special guests: NAB, Creative Bridge, Apple, and Hollywood DI.

Doors open from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Band Pro‘s generous buffet and beverages will be served. The event is located at Band Pro Film & Digital, Inc., 3403 West Pacific Avenue, Burbank, CA. RSVP is requested by December 4, 2007. Call 818-841-9655 or email:

Band Pro Film & Digital Inc.

3403 West Pacific Avenue

Burbank, CA 91505

Tel. 818-841-9655

Fax: 818-841-7649


For further information, contact Susan Lewis at Lewis Communications, 724 Ocean Park Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90405, Phone: 310-392-4531; Fax 310-392-0183,