AzzurroCam Helps NY1 Deliver Financial News From The Floor of The NYSE


Northvale, NJ • August 26, 2010 – Azzurro Systems Integration (ASI) has announced that NY1 News, Time Warner Cable’s 24-hour news channel in New York City, has installed an AzzurroCam™, ASI’s easy-to-operate production system. NY1 News, available on Time Warner Cable throughout the five boroughs and surrounding suburbs, is using the system to deliver financial news from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

“We are an editorial-based operation comprised mostly of journalists with few technicians, so we absolutely have to have easy-to-operate systems,” explained Joe Truncale, vp engineering and operations, Time Warner Local News Division. “AzzurroCams are self-contained units which makes production very simple. Journalists with no technical training can operate them. If a journalist needs an IFB, he/she can dial one up, or open an audio channel to get audio out. It just takes a push of a button, really. We set the systems up, and they push the buttons. It’s that easy.”

AzzurroCam is an intuitive, all-in-one production system capable of managing an unlimited number of cameras, as well as audio, lighting, switching, all from a single compact control unit. The integrated package includes a Sony robotic HD/SD camera with remote control over focus, aperture, color, set-up, and pan/tilt/zoom, plus remotely controllable audio mixing, IFB and four-outlet DMX lighting dimmer. The PC-based interface puts all necessary functions under operator control via presets, on-screen buttons or a joystick and control panel.

Truncale added, “The system’s ability to be controlled remotely or locally was also very appealing since we have AzzurroCams in other locations; Buffalo, Queens, and in our NY1 News Manhattan studio. They have all perform perfectly. There was no reason to look any further when the need for a unit at the NYSE site became necessary.”

About Azzurro Systems Integration

Azzurro Systems Integration (ASI) is a full service systems design and integration company. ASI addresses the technical needs of the television industry offering comprehensive solutions, including consulting, engineering, design, documentation, project management, equipment procurement, custom fabrication, system integration, project commissioning, training, and after-installation support.

ASI is located at 100 Stonehurst Ct., Northvale, NJ 07647.