Mobile Television Group selects Euphonix System 5 digital console for HD sports broadcasts

One of five System 5-B Digital Audio Mixing Consoles installed on the Mobile Television Group HDX Remote Trucks.

Mobile Television Group has just ordered its sixth Euphonix System 5-B digital audio broadcast console, to be installed in the firm’s newest truck, the 12HDX, slated for completion this summer.

The console can accommodate anywhere from 48 through 100 input audio sources of all types. The Euphonix System 5-B housed inside 11HDX consists of 106 channels, each with 4-band EQ, Dynamics, two filters, 24 mix busses, 24 group/clean feed matrix busses, 16 IFB/Aux sends, and 24 external inputs. In addition, System 5 incorporates the Euphonix PatchNet, a point-and-click signal routing system that eases configuration issues.

Much of the success of Mobile TV Group’s HD fleet is attributed to the ability of Euphonix digital mixing systems to integrate with router control systems utilizing the ES-Control protocol, such as the Jupiter and Pesa audio/video router systems. Trucks and broadcast facilities commonly specify two audio systems: the digital audio mixer's router, and the panel-controlled router/switcher system. The two systems are nearly identical and differ only in the manner in which they are controlled. Having identified these inefficiencies and their associated costs, Euphonix developed a streamlined and cost effective solution to eliminate unnecessary redundancy.

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