Torstar Media Group Television taps Digital Rapids IPTV platform for fast file transfers

Direct-response television provider Torstar Media Group Television (TMGTV) has selected Digital Rapids’ IP-based C2 media and data delivery software to enable fast, reliable delivery of media files between TMGTV’s disparately located facilities. TMGTV said it has also standardized on Digital Rapids encoding systems to encode and transform content for broadcast server compatibility and new multiplatform applications.

TMGTV operates Shop TV Canada, a 24-hour direct-response television channel, and TMGTV Productions, which produces infomercials both for Shop TV Canada and for external clients to run on other television stations. TMGTV uses the C2 platform to move content in its native file formats over an IP network between separate production and playout facilities located in neighboring cities.

With the network also used for time-critical applications by newspaper reporters at TMGTV’s parent company, C2’s scheduling and rate control capabilities are also crucial for ensuring that TMGTV’s large media transfers don’t interfere with the bandwidth needed by other network users.

Greg Wynter, manager of engineering and technology, Torstar Media Group Television, said IP-based file transfer saves his company both cost and labor over transporting tapes between sites.

“We’re constantly moving files between our locations with C2, all while being bandwidth-friendly to other users sharing the network,” Wynter said. “We work with many different media file formats, and the fact that C2 works with any type of file provides us the flexibility we need to keep our content in its native format as long as possible.”

TMGTV is also using Digital Rapids’ Stream encoding systems for capturing and transforming incoming and finished media. Originally selected to encode HD and SD content for compatibility with TMGTV’s existing broadcast playout servers, the systems are also used to encode client approval copies of production projects and slated for upcoming multiplatform distribution opportunities.