PBS deploys Harris technology for file-based operations

In its continuing move to a file-based workflow for the ingest, storage and delivery of content, several facilities used by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) have deployed Harris NEXIO servers to support multiple HD services. The servers are now operating at the Media Operations Center in Crystal City, VA; Network Operations Center in Springfield, VA; and the Disaster Recovery site outside of northern Virginia.

PBS programming is prepared for broadcast at the Media Operations Center, then and transferred to the Network Operations Center. Both HD and SD feeds originate from the NOC to support the media services provided by PBS member stations to audiences across the country. The servers will be configured similarly to PBS’ existing SD infrastructure. In the event of a major system failure at PBS headquarters, all national programming would automatically originate from the Disaster Recovery Site.

Jerry Butler, senior director of Interconnection Projects, said the Harris servers satisfy member stations’ need for more HD programming while enabling back-to-back playout of multiple formats on every channel. The server can accommodate new HD codecs while allowing stations to migrate between SD and HD for our playout requirements without the need for external devices.

PBS has also chosen Harris Platinum routers and Centrio multiviewers across the upgraded facilities in the three locations.

For more information, visit www.broadcast.harris.com.