North Plains puts enterprise DAM interface on Apple's iPad

North Plains (, a provider of DAM software, has announced an iPad interface for its enterprise DAM system, TeleScope.

It becomes the first enterprise DAM vendor to commit to a long-term mobile strategy using iPad. Mobile DAM, the company said, is becoming essential for companies looking to manage the end-to-end digital asset lifecycle from concept through distribution and by enabling mobile and tablet users to effectively participate in media workflows.

North Plains runs a user group and customer technical advisory panel, and the group indicated that the iPad and mobile DAM are becoming essential to their 2012 content creation and delivery processes. It became clear that an iPad application would enable the customers to engage more of their team in more business environments, speeding delivery, review and approval processes.

Other digital media-centric processes better suited to mobile workflows include sales consultations, on-location tagging of metadata, customer support, field servicing of products and delivery of the latest data to information dependent professionals. The TeleScope iPad migrates these processes seamlessly to mobile users and allows them to work with the images, photos and videos that they otherwise required a computer to work with.

Built to fully embrace the strengths of TeleScope as well as the strengths of the iPad, this interface brings all of the intuitive touch gestures of the iPad to TeleScope's interface. Swipe, pinch and scroll follow the intuitive iPad paradigm, allowing users unfamiliar with digital asset management to work with their digital media assets.