IBC Conference Thinks Big, Part 2

Whether you are a buyer, manufacturer or broadcaster, there is a very useful session on procurement scheduled at the RAI Centre on Monday 13 September.

As the broadcast industry transitions from being largely dependent on specialist hardware to an increasing emphasis on software-driven systems, the procurement landscape is inevitably changing. Many broadcasters, especially the larger ones, are now using specialist procurement departments whose goals and targets are very different from the previous generation of technology buyers.

The conference session, entitled “Procurement – how to get a win win between suppliers and end users” looks at ways in which everyone in the chain can benefit from a process here to stay.

As one of this year’s IBC conference speakers, Peter White, director general of the IABM, notes: “Procurement has moved away from being an engineering-based decision and towards a financial one — so you’re no longer having the same technical discussion — it’s more to do with return on investment and perhaps the most cost-effective production will usually win. Consequently manufacturers need to ensure they deliver efficiently, embrace new workflows, invest in the best kit and, most importantly, innovate.”

Participants in this session include Steve Fish, chief technology officer at Turner UK; Greg Hoskin, vice president of sales at Omnibus; and Tony Sturcke, head of procurement, technology, BSkyB.

Meanwhile, over in the third dimension, day two of IBC’s 3D-themed strand continues as Steve Schklair, founder and chief executive of 3Ality Digital, gives a keynote during Monday’s opening session, “Capturing stereoscopic images for Live Broadcast.”

Schklair, an expert in digital and live action 3D, is one of the primary catalysts behind the recent resurgence of 3D in Hollywood films. He was also the digital image producer on U2’s innovative 3D movie, “U23D.” Schklair‘s keynote session will look at the cameras and rigs available together with the equipment required on set or for location to produce both recorded and live-feed images.

On Tuesday 14 September, running alongside IBC’s D-cinema day, but perhaps more pertinent to the television industry is IBC’s panel “Don’t touch these issues, they’re too hot!”

This two-parter, moderated by EBU’s deputy David Wood, is a useful wrap-up of all the hottest issues discussed this year at the event. It sees senior representatives from some key broadcast manufacturers and broadcasters thrash out issues such as: Is there hope for a common hybrid broadcast/broadband system? Why do we need 3DTV broadcast systems right now? And, what is the future of digital radio?