FCC Proposes TV Spectrum For Wireless

Washington, DC--The FCC has proposed to allow unlicensed devices to operate in the broadcast television spectrum at locations where the spectrum is not in use by television stations. In order to ensure that no interference is caused to TV stations and their viewers, the Commission proposed a requirement that unlicensed devices incorporate "smart radio" features to identify unused TV channels. The proposal is intended to allow the development of new and innovative types of unlicensed broadband devices and services for businesses and consumers by utilizing vacant spectrum that is particularly well suited for these purposes.
The NAB is not convinced that no interference will be caused to television stations. In a statement issued after the FCC announced the proposal, NAB president and CEO Eddie Fritts said, "We have serious concerns that the introduction of unlicensed devices into the television band could result in unforeseen interference in broadcast service to millions of television viewers.
"Free, over-the-air television provides invaluable news, information, and entertainment to local communities all over America and serves as a lifeline to citizens in times of crisis. We will work with the FCC to ensure that this proposal can be accommodated while preserving interference-free over-the-air television."