Jessica Simpson unveils MTV’s interactive Mitsubishi display in Times Square

New York City got even brighter last November, when Jessica Simpson pushed a button on a 5ft remote control and turned on one of the largest high-definition displays in Times Square.

MTV 44 1/2, as the 25x38 screen is called, was designed by Mitsubishi Electric Power Products’ Diamond Vision Division, and is located in Times Square on Seventh Avenue between 44th and 45th Streets, an area that receives an average of 1.5 million passers-by daily.

The display stands out among the bright lights and big screens of Times Square by broadcasting music videos, MTV news breaks, content and simulcasts of exclusive events. Beginning in January, the screen will also feature a ticker along the bottom of the screen with concert and Broadway theater information, weather updates, sports scores and more.

The Diamond Vision display, which is wrapped in a gold picture frame, will also act as one of the world's largest video screen, allowing passers-by to play games on their mobile phones. Pedestrians whose phones have text-messaging capabilities will be able to play along with programs, including trivia games and simple-command games, from the street by following text-messaging instructions on the screen. Xbox and PlayStation2 consoles will be hooked up to the screen as well, allowing celebrities visiting the studio to engage in very public video-game competitions with one another. The display's gaming function is also expected to launch in January.

For more information about Diamond Vision, visit

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