Tedial Evolutions Goes All Out for WIN

SYDNEY—WIN Network is a privately owned regional television network and Australia’s largest commercial network, reaching more than six million viewers across six states of Australia as well as the nation’s capital. We needed a MAM solution capable of pulling media files from all our remote locations, starting with Albury, Taralgon, Bendigo, Ballarat and Shepperton, to central HQ at Wollongong, where they would be edited and prepared for transmission.

The Tedial Evolution offers multiscreen, multiplatform operations to manage tasks on a number of devices.


We began talking to Tedial at the 2015 NAB Show where we discussed the variety of options available for efficient file movement, transfer, storage and transcoding. We decided on a full Tedial Evolution media asset management solution and worked with them to create a workflow that brought footage from all across the eastern seaboard to Wollongong. The system was supplied and installed by Magna Systems and Engineering and deployed in May 2016.

Tedial Evolution is an enhanced version of Tedial’s Media IT platform. It significantly extends MAM functionality with advanced search and indexing tools, new services to surf and explore archives, and improved integration between archive and workflow engines to reinforce a collaborative environment. True multiscreen and multiplatform operations allow us to manage tasks, validate media or monitor workflow status from smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.

With the Tedial system in place, our news teams can shoot and edit a story, then add the metadata. From there they can send the story back to Wollongong via FileCatalyst fast file transfer where closed captions are added and the file is processed.


An important benefit of the Tedial MAM is the ability to automate previous manual workflows. Tedial automates and manages the workflows, then the files are sent to HQ where, once approved, they go straight to Pebble Beach Neptune automation or through to the GV Ignite systems for studio automation and then on to the broadcast center for playout.

We can also view any part of the workflow, identify errors or “choke points,” and correct them in a flash. As a result, our workflows now run on a virtualized cluster.

As part of the overall MAM and news solution, the system included FileCatalyst fast data transfer, CaptionMaker closed captions and an Oracle SL3000 deep archiving solution. Our Tedial Evolution MAM system manages, automates and controls an Oracle SL3000 deep archive system, Telestream Vantage media processing platform, local disk storage, Telestream CaptionMaker, ENPS news files, Pebble Beach Systems Neptune automation, FileCatalyst data transfer and Nugen Audio correction.

Tedial is not just an effective working MAM system; it has been developed to be completely flexible and particularly scalable, which means it can grow and accommodate WIN Networks’ future needs without any custom development—a critically important advantage.

Stevan Djokic is general manager of television operations at WIN Network. He can be reached by visitingwww.wintv.com.au.

For more information, please visitwww.tedial.comorcontact@tedial.com.