Sound Devices Releases NoiseAssist Suppression Plugin

(Image credit: Sound Devices)

REEDSBURG, Wis.—Sound Devices has debuted the NoiseAssist noise suppression plugin for the MixPre II Series recorders, as well as a firmware update to its MixPre v7.00.

NoiseAssist is an optional, one-instance plugin with an advanced signal processing algorithm to reduce background noise. The plugin has a simple user interface that calls for a single adjustment: the amount of background noise to suppress. One instance of NoiseAssist can be run on any channel, bus L or bus R.

Firmware v7.00 is required to run NoiseAssist, but the upgraded firmware has other new features as well. This includes output delays for MixPre-3 II and MixPre-6 II units (400 ms of output delays). Output delay now also applies to USB outputs for MixPre-3 II, MixPre-6 II, MixPre-10 II and MixPre-10T. The addition of output delay allows for sound and picture to be more easily synced during live streaming applications, according to Sound Devices.

Other new features for the v7.00 include more sample ratio options for MixAssist plugin and support for P.I. Engineering’s X-keys Programmable Keypads, Sticks & Keyboards.

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