Monroe Electronics, Digital Alert Systems division complete IPAWS conformity test

Monroe Electronics and its Digital Alert Systems (DAS) division have filed their Suppliers Declaration of Conformity (SDoC), signaling successful completion of IPAWS testing for the DASDEC and the One-Net emergency messaging platforms.

The filings come with the successful completion of Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) Conformity Assessment (CA), which verifies that the DASDEC and One-Net platforms conform to requirements for receiving alerting messages from the FEMA IPAWS system.

The IPAWS CA program is designed to ensure that vendors wishing to provide hardware or software solutions meet FCC and FEMA requirements. The Declaration of Conformity affirms that test engineers with the Incident Management Test and Evaluation Laboratory (IMTEL) executed a series of test cases, under which the DASDEC and One-Net successfully passed all test cases in their entirety, meeting all requirements for receiving alerting messages from the FEMA IPAWS system without exception.