The Video Show: One Minute With Elissa Leif and Barbara Haupt

Videos make it easier to tell a story and sell a brand. Many organizations and businesses often contract for some video filming while at conferences and events when most of their critical stakeholders are in one place. But the success of that effort depends on a number of factors.

MiniMatters CEO Elissa Leif and President Barbara Haupt will provide cases from varied organizations that have filmed their events during their presentation “So You Want to Shoot Your Conference: How Do You Make the Most of It?” at The Video Show, a two-day event in Washington, Dec. 4–5. They will also offer tricks and tips for effective collaboration between organizations and videographers that make the most of conference and event filming opportunities.

The Video Show caught up with Leif and Haupt for just a minute ahead of the show.

The Video Show:Your company, MiniMatters, covers a variety of different areas of video production and training, as well as full-service communications and marketing. How does this all dovetail together, and does undertaking such a variety of work help you produce better results?

Elissa Leif

Elissa Leif

Elissa Leif: Over the past 10 years, video production has changed from a more specialized and isolated activity to one that is intimately connected with multichannel communications and marketing activities, event production and more. As a company, we’ve found that our strong understanding of the communications context for video and capacity to support our clients with video plus social media toolkits, writing, fundraising strategy, graphic design, etc., have helped us to find a solid and growing niche.

TVS:Your session at The Video Show is about video filming at conferences and events, and how to make the most of it. How do you see the demand for this type of video today, and have client expectations changed at all since you've been in this line of work?

Barbara Haupt

Barbara Haupt

Barbara Haupt: Video has become such an essential and effective communications medium that it’s natural that organizations want to take advantage of their biggest and most noteworthy events to gather footage that can be repurposed in a variety of ways. We are seeing a lot of demand from clients who want to repurpose content of different conference sessions and especially clients who want us to interview and film conference participants to create shorter pieces that can be used on YouTube, social media and in communications to last throughout the year.

The Video Show will feature more than 100 sessions on nine presentation stages, as well as a dedicated screening room, demo areas, streaming studio and dynamic exhibit floor. Want to hear more about this topic? Visit theThe Video Show websiteto learn more and register.